火爆了一个多月的动画电影《你的名字》,让人意外的,导演新海诚突然之间就这么悄无声息的爆发了,让一个小众动画短片制作者升级为了成功动画导演,实在有点让人吃惊,新海诚居然会这么坚定的制作动画电影,他能获得成功,这背后的艰辛我们也看到了两个字——有钱! Hot film “your name.” had released a mouth ago in China.Unexpected,the director Makoto Shinkai made a film that good enough so suddenly .What we saw an art animate enthusiast made a well change become a film director of a decade year.It let us made a big unexpected .It can be so firmed to him to make animate film for so many years. After his successed we can see one word——wealthy!
新海诚作为一个动画短片的老手,为何之前其他电影的尝试失败了,而电影《你的名字。》成功了?作为看过新海诚每一部小短片的我,想说,《你的名字》作为一个商业电影成功的关键,是因为,这是新海诚动画故事里,剧情高潮最振奋人心的一次! Because of made animates so many years.Makoto Shinkai is good at make animate short film.But why it is failed other films but successful of “your name.”As the one who watched all short film of Makoto Shinkai.I think the key that “your name.” get sccessful because this film is the one that has a biggest high tide all the films of Makoto Shinkai.
一个合理的故事高潮点,紧凑的镜头分镜,关键时刻画面效果绚丽,并且,在高潮的剧情部分,其实是分了两次高潮,第一次是男主女主终于成功见面,第二次是女主拯救整个小镇,剧情一次比一次更加激动,而作为学生做一次惊天地泣鬼神的事情——炸电站,我想这非常能激起大家对青春的回忆。而高潮完的瞬间,小镇得救,紧接着就是男女主互相忘记,这算是一个落点,非常符合编剧的高潮伴随着结局,这种落差感最能让人印象深刻,其实作为一个故事,这个已经可以结局了。但是作为商业电影,这么结局肯定会被骂的,所以后面的男女主相见,是讨好了所有观众。 This time,reasonable high tide for story ,consistent camera lens,brillant effects .And the high tide of the film can segmentation two parts. First is the meet of two main characters.Second is the female main character save all people in town.The tide become more and more highly.And explode a power station is a thing that coolest as a student.I think it can evoke the memory when you are in school to anybody.when the high tide ended the town be saved.Then the girl and boy forget each other.This is the down point of the story that very conform story script of high tide always together with ended.This kind of gap will be impressive of everybody.As a story it can be a good end but as a commercial film.This end will get a bad evaluate.So after that the girl and boy meet again.The audience all get sweet. 而这样一个青春恋爱电影为何在中国火起来了,原因非常复杂,而且一切都要从巧合说起。今年是非常特殊的一年,我们进入电影院,看电影,不知不觉,大家是否发现电影删节的事情少了很多?年中的动画电影《大鱼海棠》上映的时候,着实的让我震惊了一下,要知道这样一个讲述少年少女青春恋爱的故事,在五年前是不可能得到广电审核通过的,从今年开始,广电审核的套路的导向突然之间有了转变,从一个70岁看不惯年轻人恋爱的保守老大爷,变成了一个45岁的中年人,虽然依然有很多雷区不能踩,但稍许前进了一小步,这仿佛就是如同电影《天堂电影院》里,当神父主导电影审核的时代过去的时候,人们看到接吻镜头都欣喜无比站起来鼓掌。 But the film full of love and adolescence get a complex reason of why it can be popular in China.Everything begin a coincidence.This year Chinese people go to the cinema watch films will get a big change that happening of delete some “bad” scene with all the film is less than last year. When the “Big fish & begonia” released at the middle of the year.It made me a big surprised that The State Administration of Radio Film and Television of China let the film pasted of a story narrative young children’s love.It’s absolutely amazing event in China and can’t five years ago.Begin this year of 2016 The State Administration of Radio Film and Television of China get a big change. Just like an old grandfather that conservatism become a 45 years old man.There’s also too many story can’t past but get more advance for China.As if the film “Cinema Paradiso”when the year of father control the power of film had disappeared.People applaud when they saw kiss in the film.
《你的名字。》在中国如此高的票房成绩,得益于中国今年刚好适度降低审核要求的大环境,而中国电影市场在审核的影响下,基本没有剧情优秀的电影,加上现在年轻人正好就是喜欢日本动画的一代人,这就使得《你的名字。》非常的突出,有如此的高票房也不足为奇。况且,如果是第一次看新海诚导演的作品,应该会相当的震撼,而看过他之前作品的人,也会知道他大概是什么风格的作品。很多日本媒体会奇怪《你的名字。》为何会在中国获得如此高的票房,不论是看低中国还是不理解中国的经济发展,这都不重要,重要的是我们从短暂的文化交流中获得了感动,而国内的电影制作人也应该多多学习日本电影带给人温馨感动的特色,商业片不一定总是特效的无数堆叠,不一定非3D不可,更不一定就是要用垃圾的手段博人眼球。 “Your name.”get so much highly sales in China so luck that the year of 2016 is easily of film check.Because of film check Chinese film not well for audience and youth people like Japanese animate film,”Your name.”is obvious in Chinese film market.It get highly sales is not strange.If you ‘re first watching film of Makoto Shinkai it can be amazing.You will know what his style for animate if you are watched his film before. Lots of Japanese media strange that why “your name.” can get well sales in China.No matter think about Chinese audience is poor or thought China’s economic can’t understanding.It’s not important.The only important thing is get inspire from the short communicate with the culture.And Chinese directors should study more the inspire of Japanese film.Commercial film not means lots of vision effects,not only 3D vision can let people feels good,not use bad ideas to make attract. 在浮躁的中国社会,一个日本动画电影,在12月的寒冬带给我们一丝温馨,回味一下中学时代的青春、爱情与理想,无关政治,希望这种温暖人心的电影能经常在中国电影市场活跃起来。 Chinese society is impetuous that a Japanese animate film bing us a warm in winter at December,get memories of love and adolescence and ideal.Exclude political I hope this kind of warm film can be more vitality in China.